The Charge of the Host Site: Offer a space for community engagement in conversation, hospitality and comfort to marchers.

Thank you for considering the opportunity to host the Marchers who are walking to Washington DC to raise awareness and hope about the people who daily live in the grinding despair of poverty. Poverty is this nation’s greatest stain and morale challenge. Poverty can be wiped out if people of faith put their muscle to the wheel and decide to make a significant difference in living out our responsibility to love people to a higher level of being.

Being a host sight can be whatever you want it to be. The only request is a meal at night and a simple meal in the morning for the marchers and any members from your community wanting to join and a space for sleeping. The people marching will be carrying their own sleeping bags and floor mats, as well as personal items.

To date the Rev. Lou Ness is the only person marching the entire trip, though people are joining up and dropping off along the way. If a group from your community is interested in marching out of town please see the information on “How to March. ”

Since the March is framed around a message we also ask you to consider inviting the community into your space for a conversation about poverty and what stops us from making a difference in eliminating poverty in this country.

Use any of the press releases on the web page or design your own, invite local leaders and other social service providers, as well as members from your faith community. We believe in local solutions with government support a collaborative between public, private and government resources – no one group can solve this issue alone, it takes many hands to finish the work.

For more information about putting an event together in your community contact visit or call Rev. Pamela Hillenbrand at 815-484-3843.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity, together we can create ways to end poverty!